“Queering the quotidian: Queer phenomenological approaches to ‘lowbrow’ entertainment“
The latest issue of the Frames Cinema Journal features the dossier “Translating German Film History” in collaboration with the GSSN. As it states in the Editor’s intro: “GSSN co-director Paul Flaig offers his very own translation of a short text by the Dadaist artist Raoul Hausmann, titled Filmdämmerung/Twilight of Film (1929), alongside an introduction serving to situate Hausmann’s work alongside those of his fellow avant-gardists, but also within this tumultuous period of German history. Wesley Kirkpatrick provides a critical reading of the German actor Emil Jannings’ neglected autobiography, Theater, Film – Das Leben und Ich (1951), offering a warning against undertaking translation for the mere sake of translation. And finally, Laura Lux highlights the Harun Farocki Institut’s tremendously valuable work collecting the various German-language writings of the influential filmmaker and film critic, Harun Farocki spanning across the latter half of the twentieth century. Ordered chronologically, the dossier offers an insight into the value yet to be uncovered from handling German primary source materials towards broader understandings of film history.”
More information can be found on the journal’s webpage: https://framescinemajournal.com/.