Archive researchers of tomorrow (Elizabeth Ward, University of Hull)
This subproject aims to recruit a new generation of British and German researchers for future work on the Anglo-German archive. The workshop—coordinated in Hull, Berlin and Frankfurt by Ward—starts from the premise that the preservation and revivification of transnational film heritage depends on building not only archival, but also intercultural competence amongst a rising generation that may have little experience, either of analogue film, or of comparative and transnational historical research. It addresses that need with a research skills workshop on the moving image archive in intercultural context.
The three-day event will draw together German and British students who are moving from BA to MA, from MA to PhD, or are in the early stages of PhD research. An introductory colloquium focusing centrally on the ETV archive will address questions of the collection’s history as a transnational resource, and explore issues of preservation and access in a UK policy context based around unlocking the heritage specifically of British film.
Sessions on practical research and archival skills, will include—with a session on subtitling and programming—training in practical skills in intercultural film exhibition. Following a visit to the BFI Library and National Film Archive, students will complete a group exercise that will provide the basis for posters to be uploaded on the GSSN website, following displays by undergraduate participants at the University of Cambridge UG German Studies Conference, and by postgraduates, at the 2020 BAFTSS and AGS conferences.